File organization
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Def: Refers to the data is stored in a file
Text file VS binary form
- Text file: Data is stored in a file as a sequence of characters.
- Binary file: The binary equivalent of data is stored as a sequence od bytes
Record stored in a text file
- The number of data items per line must be known and the number of characters per item must be known.
- Item seperator characters must be used
- repeating lines defined be end-of-line character or characters
Direct access
- Random access files
Serial files:
- The records are put into the file chronologically, ie., according to when each record is produced. The one produced first is put into the file first, then the next one
- Each new record is simply appended to the file so that the onlyordering in the file is the time order of data entry.
- Typical example:
- For a bank to record transactions involving customer accounts
Sequential files
- A sequential file have records that are ordered!
- In order to allow a sequential file to be ordered, there has to be a key for which the values are unique and sequential but not necessarily consecutive.
- When a new record is to be added what need to do?
- Read the file sequentially and each record is written to a new file.
- This is continued until the appropriated position for the new record isreached.
- The new record is then written to the new file before the remainrecords in the old file are copied in.
Direct-access files
- Random-access files
- Access can be to any record in the file without sequential reading of the file
- Direct access can be achieved with a sequential file.
- A separated index file is created which has two fields per record
- The first field has the key field and the second field has a value for the position of this key field value in the main file.
- The alternative is to use a hashing algorithm
- What is hashing algorithm?
One simple hashing algorithm
If there is a numeric key field in each record
- Choose a suitable number
- Divide this number by the value in the key field
- The remainder from this division then identifies the address in the file for storage of that record
- The suitable number works best if it is a prime number of a similar size to the expected size of the file
- collision: when the same address is calculated for different field values, it is usually referred to as collision.
- Ways to handle collisionsUse a sequential search to look for a vacant address following the calculated one.Keep a number of overflow addresses at the end of the file.Have a linked list accessible from each address
- Sequential 顺序,但不一定是连续的
- Random 随机
- Serial 序列:时间顺序
然而,值得注意的是,从Python 3.7开始,字典被改为了保持插入顺序,这意味着当你迭代一个字典的时候,项会按照它们被添加到字典的顺序返回。这个改变是对Python字典的实现做的优化,但它并不改变字典在内部是如何存储和查找数据的。在内部,Python字典仍然使用哈希表进行高效的数据查找,所以,它仍然最接近于随机文件组织。