Communication and internet technology
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Goals of chapter
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:
- show understanding of circuit switching
- Show understanding of packet switching
- Show understanding of why a protocol is essential for communication between computers.
- Show understanding of how protocol implementation can be viewed as stack, where each,layer has its own functionality.
- Show understanding of the TCP/IP protocol suite
- Show understanding of protocols(HTTP, FTP, POP3,IMAP. SMTP. BitTorrent) and their purpose.
Transmittion modes
For communication over an internetwork, there are two possible approaches:
- Circular switching
- Packet switching
- Make a phone call —Circuit switching
- Send a email
- Transfor a photo to your classmate
Circuit switching
- Circuit switching is the method used in the traditional telephone system
- PSTN: Public switched telephone network
- Switch: As applied to networking and IT, is the practice of directing a sign or data element toward a particular destination.
- Dedicated circuit/channel is created between the sender and the receiver / 每个人使用专有通道
- A connection is established before/at the start of the communication / ex: 打电话前拨号的过程
- The connection lasts for the duration of the connection // circuit released at end of the communication / 在信息传输的过程中,专用线路将会被持续占用。直至两端断开连接。
- All data transmitted along the same route / 一旦通道建立完成,通信过程中的所有数据都是通过此通道进行传输。
The features of circuit switching
- A dedicated channel is created // not sharing channel
- It can use all bandwidth
- 2-way real time conversation is allowed
- No delay as no switching
- Data arrives in the order it is sent
- The quality of service is guaranteed
Packet switching
- A circuit does not have to be established at the start of the communication
- The data to be sent is divided into packets/ 打包传输
- The packets can travel along different routes from node to node/ 动态路径分配
- Packets are reassembled in the correct order at the receiver's end/ 接受数据包后排序
- Must wait until the last packet is received to put the data back together/ 必须接收到所有数据包
Features of packet switching
- Allows for error checking
- Real time transmission is not required
- Smaller amounts of data are sent (than voice calls) therefore dedicated line/ higher bandwidth is not required // can share the bandwidth
- It make full use of the available capacity by using alternative routes
- Doesn't matter if data arrives out of order
随着技术进步和带宽增加,我们可以使用packet switching 实现一些circuit switching 的特性:
- 网络电话 VoIP
- 直播串流 Streaming